Precautions after eyelash extension surgery

Precautions after eyelash extension surgery

eyelash extension

Long eyelashes can increase the delicacy of the eyes, but in life, there are some beauty-loving people who have sparse eyelashes for various reasons, which damages the facial image, so these beauty-loving people want to improve this by grafting eyelashes technology. a situation. After eyelash extension, we must pay attention to some details, so as to keep the grafted eyelashes better.


Precautions after eyelash extension surgery


Precautions after eyelash extensions:

1. After eyelash extensions, be careful not to wash your face, let alone take a bath, sauna and other activities, and at the same time avoid going to a high temperature and humid environment, so as not to affect the effect of the operation.

2. After the operation, pay attention to rest more, don't stay up late, and don't use your eyes for a long time.

3. After the operation, pay attention to protect the eyelashes, do not rub the eyelashes with your hands or get dirty things.

4. In order to keep the grafted eyelashes longer, do not press the eyelashes when sleeping, and you can also use eyelash reinforcement to strengthen the eyelashes.

5. Pay attention to keeping the diet light after surgery, do not eat spicy and greasy food, and also avoid eating seafood, so as not to cause the eyelash grafting effect to be unsatisfactory.

The above is the "Precautions after eyelash extension surgery", Eyelash Extension Manufacturers Qingdao Meteor lashes factory In order to obtain an ideal eyelash grafting effect, it is recommended that you try not to touch the eyelashes after the operation, and at the same time pay attention to keep the eyelashes clean and hygienic , and do not touch the water too early. If you find itching in the eyelashes, try not to scratch it with your hands, so as not to affect the effect of grafting eyelashes.