What are the hazards of grafting eyelashes?

What are the hazards of grafting eyelashes

Eyelash Extension

Thick and big eyes are what we all love, but only big eyes can't make us more perfect, and we need to have long eyelashes as a foil, of which eyelashes play a very important role. There will also be a state where the glue at the end of the false eyelashes is not sticky enough, and the end of the false eyelashes is tilted up. At this time, some girls with obsessive-compulsive disorder will choose to pull them out by hand, although their own eyelashes will also be sacrificed. Let's take a look at Eyelash Extension knowledge.


What are the hazards of grafting eyelashes


The dangers of grafting eyelashes


The concept of grafting eyelashes is to use a kind of glue to stick false eyelashes on your real eyelashes one by one. If you have more eyelashes, the plant will be denser and more beautiful, but if your eyelashes are sparse, only You can ask for a longer length, because it is too dense, and the eyes will be uncomfortable. The grafted eyelashes will slowly fall in a short period of time, and the eyelashes themselves will also fall at the same time.


Hazard 1: The eyelashes used in grafting are generally sourced by the merchants themselves. Some eyelashes are processed from animal hair, and they have not been thoroughly disinfected, which can easily affect eye health and cause eye redness and swelling.


Hazard 2: There are also many hidden dangers in the glue used when grafting eyelashes. In order to make money and reduce costs, many black-hearted businesses even use 502 and other strong glues, which shows that the damage to the eyes is great.


Hazard 3: Because the false eyelashes stick to your real eyelashes from the end, it is very troublesome whether you are washing your face or sleeping. Especially for women with very sensitive eye skin, if they touch their eyes a little, they will feel very painful and want to cry. As for girls who want to make up, don't even think about it. Eye makeup, especially eyeliner, is very painful to draw, and it is very painful to remove. The oil adheres to the gap at the end of the eyelashes. After hard washing, you will find that the whole eye has become a rabbit. Eye.


Hazard 4: Because the true and false eyelashes stick together, when the false eyelashes fall, it will affect their own eyelashes to fall together. There will also be a state where the glue at the end of the false eyelashes is not sticky enough and is lifted. At this time, some girls with obsessive-compulsive disorder will choose to pull them out by hand, although their eyelashes will also be sacrificed together.


Harmful allergic reactions to grafted eyelashes


The eyelashes need to be glued to the glue. Many people's skin will have allergic reactions to the glue, red spots, erythema, and continuous tears. This is a common sense that must be clear before eyelashes are grown. Therefore, before doing eyelashes, it is necessary to do a skin test to make sure that it is not allergic before proceeding.


The dangers of grafting eyelashes, long and inverted eyelashes


Many people get eyelashes, and the results are good at the time, but with the passage of time, after eyelashes are planted, because the direction of eyelashes growth is difficult to control, it is easy to cause the phenomenon of upper eyelashes growing downwards and lower eyelashes growing upwards. When the long eyelashes are long, they will be inserted into the eyes, and they will grow into inverted eyelashes. The inverted eyelashes will make the eyes very uncomfortable, always feel pricked, and will shed tears at every turn. In the later stage, it may also cause eyelashes. Inflammation elsewhere.


What are the hazards of grafting eyelashes


Reminder: No matter what type of surgical project, beauty lovers must find a regular medical plastic surgery hospital and a trustworthy doctor. This will eliminate your fear of surgery and achieve perfect results!