
  • The difference between planting eyelashes and grafting eyelashes Read More

    The difference between planting eyelashes and grafting eyelashes

    Grafting eyelashes can increase eyelashes, increase personal charm, and more importantly, after grafting eyelashes, there is no need to draw eyeliner. After eyelash planting, there is still the effect of grafting eyelashes, which is better? What are the differences and pros and cons between the two? Please contact Eyelash Extension Manufacturers Meteor lashes to show you the difference between eyelash extensions and eyelash extensions:

  • How to choose a supplier for Premade Lash Fans wholesale? Read More

    How to choose a supplier for Premade Lash Fans wholesale?

    How to choose a wholesale Premade Lash Fans supplier, many customers must be confused. After all, there are many wholesale suppliers on the market, especially the types of Premade Lash Fans are very large. In order to choose a more reliable supplier to cooperate , then you must choose and compare more. To consider your own needs, the following questions must be determined in advance, so that you can have a clearer direction when choosing a supplier.

  • What are Premade Lash Fans? Are eyelash extensions effective? Read More

    What are Premade Lash Fans? Are eyelash extensions effective?

    What are Premade Lash Fans? Are eyelash extensions effective? Don't underestimate the small eyelashes. The state of the eyelashes can be said to directly affect the state of the eyes to a certain extent. Even the whole person's appearance has very long, thick, curly, and natural long eyelashes, which will play a role in the eyes.

  • Can cutting eyelashes really make eyelashes longer Read More

    Can cutting eyelashes really make eyelashes longer

    Many people want to make their eyelashes longer and more beautiful, just like their hair, they are getting longer and longer, so they came up with the idea of ​​cutting eyelashes. So, can cutting eyelashes really make eyelashes longer?

  • How to apply false eyelashes without falling out Read More

    How to apply false eyelashes without falling out

    False eyelashes are things that are "too short to hold in the hand and too long to be caught in the eyes". Human eyelashes are the longest in the middle and slightly shorter on both sides, generally between 5 mm and 10 mm in length. Wear false eyelashes and want to look natural.

  • Which is better for grafting eyelashes or planting eyelashes Read More

    Which is better for grafting eyelashes or planting eyelashes

    Many female friends attach great importance to eyelashes. Because good eyelashes can make people look particularly attractive, and also prevent subtle objects from entering the eyes. So we will choose to graft eyelashes or type eyelashes. But many people don't know the advantages of these two ways of dealing with eyelashes. Now explained by Meteor lashes factory.

  • What are the styles of false eyelashes? Read More

    What are the styles of false eyelashes?

    There is no doubt that in today's society, girls who can wear makeup can improve their combat effectiveness. How to choose the right false eyelashes is a problem that troubles many women. With the exception of Southeast Asia and South Asia, Asian women's eyelashes are mostly flat, thin, and soft. Eyes alone, jaws are surprisingly hard to put down. False eyelashes can be divided into exaggerated European style and sweet and lovely Japanese style.

  • The benefits of false eyelashes and how long they last Read More

    The benefits of false eyelashes and how long they last

    In daily life, many people who love beauty are very familiar with false eyelashes. Putting false eyelashes on the eyes can not only beautify the eyes, but also cover up the shortcomings of the eyes, making the eyes look more divine and brighter. But many people do not know How long can false eyelashes be kept, let alone many benefits of false eyelashes. Let Meteor lashes factory explain it to you now

  • How to apply false eyelashes to look better Read More

    How to apply false eyelashes to look better

    Good false eyelashes can make female friends' eyes more beautiful. False eyelashes can make our eyes look bigger and more beautiful. We should choose the false eyelashes that suit our eye shape to wear. Many fashionable ladies like to use false eyelashes to beautify their eyes, and the correct use will make the eyes beautiful. Although false eyelashes are delicate and delicate, they are fragile, so you must be very careful when using them. Now let Meteor lashes factory tell you how to apply false eyelashes to look better?

  • How to Care of Classic Lash Extensions Read More

    How to Care of Classic Lash Extensions

    Classic Lash Extensions have become a fashion, but many girls will not care for the grafted Classic Lash Extensions. After a few days, the Classic Lash Extensions will have problems, which not only look ugly, but also increase the trouble, so learn how to Care of Classic Lash Extensions is also very necessary. Today, Meteor lashes factory will share with you how to care for your eyelashes after grafting! Hope it helps you!

  • How to wear false eyelashes correctly Read More

    How to wear false eyelashes correctly

    there are a lot of false eyelashes on the market. Many girls who are just starting to learn makeup will have difficulty wearing false eyelashes. How to attach false eyelashes? Wearing false eyelashes correctly will make your eyes beautiful. How to wear false eyelashes to look good? The following Meteor lashes factory teaches you how to wear false eyelashes correctly!

  • How to choose the right false eyelashes for you Read More

    How to choose the right false eyelashes for you

    In today's society, there is no doubt that girls who can wear makeup can improve their combat effectiveness. In particular, the appearance of eyelash extensions and other products has made eye makeup technology more popular among female friends. Among them, false eyelashes are more prominent. How to choose the right false eyelashes is a problem that troubles many women. Except for Southeast Asia and South Asia, Asian women's eyelashes are mostly flat, slender and soft. It's hard to drop a jaw in surprise just by looking at the eyes alone.